An eight year old Irving boy was seriously injured Tuesday night when he was hit by a sport utility vehicle in an Irving apartment complex parking lot. The boy was rushed to a Dallas Hospital where he was treated for head injuries and a broken leg. The driver of the SUV was a 50-year-old woman who claimed the boy jumped in front of her car.
Pedestrian cases are difficult, especially in parking lots, because neither party wants to admit they were at fault. When the pedestrian is seriously injured, they often forget what happened. This means that the investigating officer, insurance company, and juries only hear the testimony of the driver. I’ve represented pedestrians over the years, and have fought hard to make sure the negligent drivers are held responsible for their actions.
I was recently hired by a woman who was hit by a car as she crossed a street in the TCU area in the middle of the day. She was in the cross walk and had the walk sign. Unfortunately, a driver was talking on his cell phone, sped through the cross walk, hit my client, and caused her to have to spend four days in the Intensive Care Unit at JPS Hospital. I am also currently representing another woman who was run over by an RV while sitting in her wheelchair waiting to cross the street.
Most pedestrian accidents could be avoided if drivers would pay more attention to the road while they are driving. I encourage drivers and well as pedestrians to look carefully when they are traveling in parking lots or crossing intersections.