This evening a 17-year-old girl was killed in a grisly two-vehicle collision when the Ford Mustang she was riding in collided head-on with a van. According to a report by the Star Telegram, the accident occurred just after 8:15 on White Settlement Road near the Fort Worth city limits.
Evidently, the driver of the Mustang was the victim’s friend’s father. It is currently not known which vehicle crossed the median and collided with the other. However, emergency crews noted that they smelled alcohol on the breath of the Mustang’s driver when they were treating him.
The force from the accident split the Mustang in two, severing the car’s front and rear seats. Several of the car’s occupants were ejected from the vehicle. The 17-year-old victim was pronounced dead at the scene. Several others, including the driver and his daughter, were also taken into the hospital. The driver and passenger of the van were also hospitalized.
Although emergency personnel detected the smell of alcohol on the Mustang driver’s breath, that is not enough to confirm their suspicions that he was driving under the influence of alcohol. Therefore, the driver’s blood was taken to determine the exact amount of alcohol in his bloodstream at the time of the accident. The results of the test have not yet come back.
Drunk Driving Accidents in Fort Worth
Unfortunately, the Lone Star State has more than its share of drunk drivers, despite having severe penalties for drunk-driving convictions. Each year, dozens of people die due to drunk-driving accidents across the state. Despite the known dangers of impaired driving, people continue to do it.
Any time a person operates a vehicle with a blood- or breath-alcohol content of more than .08, he or she is legally intoxicated. Driving in an intoxicated state puts everyone at risk, especially those in the car with the drunk driver.
In many cases, those injured by a drunk driver can seek monetary compensation for their injury or loss. One frequent defense to these kinds of drunk-driving cases is that the passenger knew that the driver was drunk when he or she got in the car, and thus he or she assumed the risks that came along with being a passenger in a car operated by a drunk driver. While this is not always a successful defense, it is one that some accident victims should expect to see.
Have You Been Injured By a Drunk Driver?
If you or a loved one has recently been injured by a drunk driver, you may be entitled to monetary compensation for your injuries. To learn more about the drunk-driving laws in Texas, and to schedule a free consultation with a dedicated attorney, contact the Law Offices of William K. Berenson. Attorney Berenson is a top-rated personal injury attorney in the DFW area who has help injured Texans seek the justice they deserve. Click here, or call 817-885-8000 to set up your free initial consultation today.
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Deadly Crash On I-20 In Arlington Caused By Drunk Driver, Fort Worth Injury Attorney Blog, August 6, 2014.
Drunk Drivers Crash Into Hurst House And Irving Apartment, Fort Worth Injury Attorney Blog, May 5, 2014.