Driving while intoxicated collisions
If you’re sitting around for hours at a pool or waiting for fireworks to begin tomorrow night, it’s easy to drink one too many. But getting in a car wreck (or getting arrested) is a terrible consequence. And even if you are sober, you can count on people getting carried away and causing crashes. So set limits, arrange designated drivers, have nonalcoholic drinks and food also available, and take an Uber, Lyft, or cab home – some will be free.
Boating accidents
This happens far too often: a child (or even an adult) drowns and is not wearing a life jacket. Thousands of people get hurt by other boats, propellers and jet skis. Years ago, we represented the parents of a boy whose leg was mangled after his boat’s driver did not see him climbing on behind him. Beware boats speeding by you piloted by Captain Morgan.
Pool accidents
Have adults posted as life guards to watch out for kids going under, horseplay, running on slippery surfaces, and other injuries. Tragically, a 6-year-old boy drowned in a Hurst pool yesterday.
Fireworks accidents
Too many times a joyous Independence Day celebration is marred by an unexpected explosion causing burns, injuries, and even deaths. Over 7,600 injuries were reported during this period last year. So follow these tips and
- Don’t use fireworks unless you are experienced;
- Don’t play with a burning one or light more than one at a time;
- Don’t relight one you think is a dud;
- Keep your children as far away as possible, including sparklers that look safe;
- Have a hose and bucket of water around your yard; and
- Don’t drink alcohol.
General tips:
- Stay hydrated, but avoid too much caffeine and of course alcohol;
- Don’t stay exposed to sunlight for long, even with sun screen, and reapply after getting wet;
- Don’t leave kids, infants, elderly, or people with mobility challenges in a parked car; and
- Keep your cell phone on silent and aside as you drive.
Take these precautions so you won’t be calling a personal injury lawyer on Thursday. As Benjamin Franklin famously observed, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Keep safe and celebrate our nation’s independence this Fourth of July.
Update On pet adoption event
Our payment of all adoption fees was a huge success. We are delighted that 67 abandoned dogs and cats found their forever homes today.