Thanks to Clines Running Corner for publishing this note today:
Bill Berenson, 57, of Fort Worth not only continues to post Boston Marathon-qualifying times, he also is improving. Bill ran a personal-best 3:24:15 at the Des Moines Marathon on Oct. 21. It was his second marathon in three weeks.
I am proud — especially now that I am almost 58 years old — that this was my 38th marathon (26.2 miles). And it is a real honor that 28 of them have been fast enough to qualify me to run in the prestigious Boston Marathon (top 10% or less) which I’ve run twice. Sunday’s race was my 6th marathon in the last 7 months.
I’ve mentioned other races here.
The discipline and strength I get from running or exercising almost every day (early in the morning or at night) help make me a stronger and a better lawyer. I want to be able to go that extra mile for my clients.