I joined several hundred people on Saturday morning at the national headquarters of Mothers Against Drunk Driving in Las Colinas for its signature event, the Walk and Dash Like MADD.
We were there to pay tribute to those who had lost their lives in driving while intoxicated crashes, increase public awareness of this epidemic, and raise money. The comraderie was strong as families displayed photographs and personal displays, rebuilt motorcycles, and other memories of their loved ones.
Families held hands and walked and ran several miles together. A Dallas City Councilman eulogized a former city councilwoman and her daughter who were recently killed in a DWI crash.
There was also a driving simulator that showed how easy it is to crash your vehicle if you are distracted, another deadly problem that has taken over our highways.
Berenson Injury Law is a proud supporter of MADDÂ
Our firm was a Champion Supporter of the event. We have sponsored past Walks Like MADD and I have served on the advisory Board of Directors for several years to support the organization and the victims of drunk driving and their families.
I also donated four $50 gift cards to the top runners to encourage runners to come out to race. On a personal note, I ran my first race in several years after being injured so I was pleased to finish third in the 5K race (especially since I was the oldest person running). Scott Murray, the long-time sports announcer, presented the awards.
My law firm knows first hand the horrors of DWI collisions as we have represented injured victims and their families over the past nearly 40 years. We have filed lawsuits and recovered damages from drunk drivers and the bars and restaurants that over served them alcohol.
Driving while intoxicated is a serious public health crisis
These numbers are, well, MADDening:
- Almost 11,000 people lost their lives last year in the United States in a drunk driving wreck.
- That’s one person every 48 minutes.
- Locally, 90 people in the Metroplex died in over 5,000 of these collisions last year.
- DWI crashes are the leading cause of death in road collisions.
- They affect two out of three Americans during their lifetimes.
As you can see, being crashed into by a drunk driver can happen to any one in the blink of any eye.
Fortunately, the number of fatalities has been cut in half since the organization was started by the mother of a young woman who died in a DWI wreck in 1980.
Berenson Injury Law is proud to support MADD achieve its goal of No More Victims. We are committed to helping the victims of all motor vehicle collisions, especially these, receive the compensation and justice they deserve.