Fatal Driving While Intoxicated Crashes in North Texas are a serious problem
A shocking 10,000 Texans lost their lives in DWI collisions in Texas from 2010 to 2017. This number increases each year. About 100 of the victims each year live in the DFW area.
North Texas is at the epicenter of the driving while intoxicated epidemic. Dallas County has almost the highest number of DWI crashes in Texas, not far behind Harris County (Houston) with its much greater population.
This has to stop.
And Saturday night’s tragedy happened near the site of the notorious “Affluenza Teen” crash in 2013 that took the lives of four people and horrifically paralyzed a young man whom this firm represented.
We understand that due to the ruinous pandemic and then the wave of protests against our country’s sinister racial injustice, DWIs probably seem insignificant by comparison. But we cannot afford to overlook them.
Take a look at these horrible statistics and information from the worthwhile organization that combats this deadly problem, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, to learn more about this deadly problem that is entirely preventable.
We can help you
Berenson Injury Law has handled many wrongful death and driving while intoxicated collision cases over the past 40 years.
We are also proud to support Mothers Against Drunk Drivers in its worthy goal of No More Victims.
Please contact us by calling 1-888-801-8585 or by clicking here if you have any questions about any motor vehicle collision. We only handle these cases.
Here are some of the hundreds of 5-star reviews that our clients have written in case you are researching the best Fort Worth car accident lawyer to help you with your collision case.
We posted this article to provide access to news-worthy stories and information that may be of interest to people who visit this website, but no legal relationship is formed until a contract is signed for legal representation.