Collisions Caused by Driver Fatigue

I have handled several cases where the defendant driver fell asleep at the wheel. In light of a newspaper article discussing rest stops on interstate highways, stop and rest if you experience these signs:

•Difficulty focusing or keeping your eyes open
•Trouble keeping your head up
•Repeated yawning
•Wandering, disconnected thoughts
•Feeling restless or irritable
•Drifting from your lane
•Trouble remembering the last few miles driven
•Missing traffic signs or exits

These are tips to fight fatigue:

•Get a good night’s rest before beginning your trip.
•Schedule regular stops or switch drivers every two hours – even if you don’t feel tired
•Limit driving to a maximum of eight to 10 hours a day.
•Make sure you’re getting plenty of fresh air; carbon monoxide can build up inside closed vehicles.
•Avoid driving late at night.
•Avoid alcohol and sedating medications.

THE LAW OFFICES OF WILLIAM K. BERENSON, P.C. offers free legal consultations to car and truck accident victims. Please email me at or call our toll-free helpline at 1-888-801-8585 or 817-885-8000. I am a board certified Texas personal injury lawyer and will be happy to discuss your potential claim.

Labels: vehicles cars trucks

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