I’m excited for the 6,000 children who will be running in the Cowtown Marathon’s 5K.
And I’m especially excited for the 30 students at the north side Fort Worth school which I’ve sponsored for the last eight years.
Just imagine the excitement as the children at Rufino Mendoza Elementary School wake up early Saturday morning, get into their clothes and brand new running shoes, ride a bus to the Will Rogers Center, and line up with kids from schools across the area.
Visualize how hard it will be for them, running and walking over three miles, up and down hills, on a cold morning. But they’ve been training for months. They will finish. And they’ll learn valuable life lessons about hard work and perseverance.
And they’ll understand the importance of physical fitness, mental toughness, and a nutritious diet. Unfortunately the percentage of obsese children has increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2010 — and that’s not counting the overweight kids.
I’m glad they’ll be able to participate. But I was just hired by a man whose car was demolished last week, is injured, and obviously can’t run the half marathon on Sunday.He’s very upset about that and I wish he could run. I’ve had other clients who can no longer run, walk, or do their favorite activities, and I always argue that to the insurance adjuster or jury.
Good luck to all of the runners this weekend.