I’m pleased to be the Presenting Sponsor of the 5K and 1 mile runs tomorrow morning. I’ve been on the Children’s Activities For Life & Fitness (C.A.L.F.) Council for five years and have sponsored the Rufino Mendoza Elementary School for nine years. I am trying to do everything I can to help get our children healthy and fit. I am also preparing for my next marathon next Sunday in Portland, Maine, which will be my 40th different state (plus Israel).
The runs take place at the new Coyote Drive-In Theater just north of downtown and will follow our wonderful Trinity Trail. There will be a giant party with lots of food and beverages afterwards.
The Cowtown C.A.L.F. run is partnering with another great project, the FitWorth Healthy City Initiative, which is holding a Healthy Culinary Creations Challenge where 12 high school culinary arts teams will create recipes following set healthy nutritional guidelines.
Mayor Betsy Price said, “What better way to launch our Culinary Cooking competition! I can’t wait to see what they come up with!” Our mayor is totally committed to fitness and is rides her bike every where.
The C.A.L.F. program, which is the primary charitable beneficiary of The Cowtown Marathon’s February race weekend, is the top children’s running activity in the nation. CALF supports educational assemblies, pedometers and training logs to help educate children on the benefits of an active lifestyle, as well as running shoes and race entry grants for children who cannot afford them.
It’s time to go run/walk with “my kids” and get them excited about their race tomorrow. I am riding the bus with them to the start and will run (or walk) with them and be with them, their parents, and their teacher after the race.
Join us in this great cause!