Take a look my new cases from the past two days to see how I get the results my clients deserve!
1. Fort Worth accident – A man in a Lexus IS300 was rear ended at a high rate of speed by a 20 year old in this SUV, but he claimed he was hit from behind so his insurance carrier denied liability. I sent a paralegal to the same wrecking yard I entered to climb inside the truck tractor and take photos which helped win this case several years ago. Our photos showed zero damage to the SUV’s rear.
But the insurance company adjuster for the young man said that she had pictures that proved he had been hit at a high rate of speed – but she refused to give them to us, saying they were protected by the “attorney-client privilege.” I called her supervisor to complain and got her to send them. There is only minor damage, certainly not the type you would expect given the huge impact to the Lexus and both vehicles being pushed approximately 50 yards forward. I will have to file a lawsuit so my client recovers his damages — and make sure that other people like you are not denied payment by this company whould you get crashed into by their insured drivers.
2. Arlington crash – A man and woman riding in a large pick up truck were rear ended by a man driving a Tahoe and pushed into the car in front of them. The at fault driver’s insurance adjuster initially tried to minimize the case by saying this was a small impact based on the visual damage to the truck’s heavy steel bumpers. I hired a mechanic to inspect the truck on a rack and show that the undercarriage proved enormous frame damage, called the adjuster, and made her change her mind. I also believe that the defendant driver was texting on her cell phone and am already obtaining her records to add value to the case. Last year I proved the other driver, a young woman, was guilty of this distracted driving in a lawsuit — and also found some racy photos and incriminating evidence on her Facebook page — that helped my clent get a lot more money from the big Dallas law firm defending the lawsuit.
3. Bedford collision – A man and woman were driving through an intersection when a woman ran a red light, crashed into their car at a high rate of speed, and seriously injured the woman.The other driver claims she had the green light and there is no police report. We located an eyewitness and got a recorded statement confirming that the other driver is at fault which we will submit to her insurance company, and if it denies liability, file suit.
4. Dallas pedestrian struck – A man was hit by a speeding car as he crossed the street downtown in a cross walk with the light, but it was at night and he was wearing dark clothing. The other driver said he never saw him. My client broke multiple bones and was seriously injured. I am investigating the case and may have to file suit.
I met with all of the clients (except for the man in Dallas, but I immediately sent a paralegal to Dallas to meet him and I called him on the phone) and answered all of their questions, including how to get paid for their vehicle damage or get their vehicle repaired, how to get a rental car, how to deal with their physical injuries, how to pay for their medical bills, and how to prove their lost wages. I have spoken with one of the treating physicians and my staff is already ordering the emergency room and ambulance records. I have loaned money to one set of clients so they could have money to pay their doctor and purchase badly needed pain relieving medicine.
This is the kind of high level representation you can expect from me should (God forbid) you are in a Fort Worth or Dallas area automobile accident.