Why Hire A Lawyer?
Were you hurt in a car accident which was someone else’s fault? If so, should you try to negotiate your own settlement — or hire a lawyer?
Reasons Why You Should Hire A Lawyer
Lawyers help prevent insurance companies from denying, delaying or underpaying claims.
Even after attorney fees, injury victims on average get 3½ times more money when represented by a lawyer, says the non-profit Insurance Resource Council, supported by the insurance industry.
Your car accident lawyer won’t get paid unless you win.
You won’t pay an injury lawyer from your own pocket. Attorney fees come only from the settlement if you win.
Hire an attorney so you can focus on your recovery while we do the work.
Bill Berenson has the experience. My firm has helped thousands of injured people get the money they deserve.
Get a Free Case Review right now and find out how we can help.