I just returned from a trip to Boston where I had to meet an expert witness on a case that is set for trial. While I was there, I also ran a marathon in Keene, New Hampshire on Sunday.
I’m proud that I finished #1 in my age group and that I almost ran my fastest race ever. My finishing time was 3 hours 26 minutes and 2 seconds, a pace of 7 minutes and 51 seconds a mile (a 7.7 on a treadmill, to put it in more perspective). The picture was taken at the very end (mile 26), when I had caught up to the #1 female in the race. Yes, she was barefoot (which made me want to beat her more, which I did – by one second). (she was 30 years younger than me too.)
The course was beautiful. It went up and down country roads where the leaves were changing colors, followed a trout stream, and took us through a graveyard at mile 23 (which
seemed appropriate at that point, especially with another 3+ miles still left).
And on the way back, I was able to visit my almost 101 year Aunt Sarah and wish her an early happy birthday in her Massachusetts assisted living home.
I’m trying to run a marathon in each of the 50 states. Very few people have done this, and I only started doing this project a few years ago. I find that the discipline and strength I get from running and/or working out almost every day makes me a better attorney, better able to withstand the rigors of practicing law and fighting other attorneys and insurance company representatives.
If you have been injured in a motor vehicle collision, please contact me. I’ll fight to get you the money you’re entitled to receive. I promise. I’ve been doing this for over 32 years and have a 100% client satisfaction rate.