I was honored to again sponsor the Cowtown Marathon’s C.A.L.F. 5K run (3.1 miles) and its first ever 15K run (9.3 miles) at the Will Rogers Complex.
Then I watched many FWISD high school chefs-in-training compete in a spirited cooking competition designed to teach them to prepare healthy meals.
It was fun to be asked to speak to the runners before they dashed off and to sound the horn to start the race. I have competed in countless races and know how exciting it is to toe the line.
And I enjoyed helping accept the huge check in the amount of $200,000.00 that was presented to the C.A.L.F. (Children Activities for Lifetime Fitness) program by the marathon.
I have also been on the leadership council since it was started in 2009.
Almost 100 schools and community centers were involved. It is always fun to see the kids at the school which I have adopted for the past 12 years, Rufino Mendoza, Sr. Elementary School.
It was a gorgeous morning and there was a celebration for the record turnout as this important event continues to grow each year.
Since founding my law firm in 1982, I have been guided by three principles which have helped my firm become one of the top-rated personal injury firms in Fort Worth: provide my clients with sound advice and get them the maximum compensation, hire the best staff, and give back to Fort Worth and North Texas by supporting non-profit organizations that make a difference in peoples lives.
I am the sponsor of the Fort Worth Walk Like MADD on October 22nd.
Please join us at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden down the street from my office for another special morning!