He Got Angry After Being Denied More Alcohol
A nine-year veteran of the Fort Worth Fire Department has been “indefinitely suspended” because of a January DWI and assault incident. According to the Fort Worth Star Telegram, the decision was just announced in a disciplinary letter issued upon conclusion of an extensive investigation. The firefighter, Jason Langford, plans to appeal.
The 37 year-old has possibly thrown away his career over a single night of overindulgence. We applaud two different bar’s staffs for doing all they could to keep a drunk patron from getting behind the wheel. Their proactive, insistent response may have saved Mr. Langford’s and other motorists’ lives. There are far too many intoxicated drivers on our Fort Worth and Dallas roads – many there because they were overserved by drinking establishments.
Two Bars Tried to Stop Drunk Patron from DrivingĀ
On the day of he incident, according to the article, Langford began drinking at home throughout the day before making his way to the Landmark Bar on Bledsoe Street in the 7th Street area. After a few more drinks, the bartenders noticed he was intoxicated and refused to serve him so he walked to the nearby Magnolia Motor Lounge at Morton Street. A video apparently shows him staggering as he made his way to the bar where he was served a beer. Employees quickly realized he was inebriated and tried to take away his drink. Langford responded by cursing and yelling at the bartender.
Magnolia Motor Lounge employees offered to call a taxi for Langford, which he declined. They then insisted he give them his keys to keep him from driving drunk, which he also declined. The staff then called 911, determined to keep the drunk man from climbing behind the wheel of his truck.
Langford became aggressive toward the bar staff. Witnesses say he tried to run them down in his truck before driving away. Fortunately, police spotted his vehicle on University Drive a few moments later and stopped him. He refused a Breathalyzer test, so police obtained a search warrant for a blood sample, which registered .205 percent blood alcohol content. The legal limit is only .08.
By serving intoxicated patrons, bars, restaurants, and stores are responsible for perpetuating drunk driving. Other establishments should follow the example of the staff at the Landmark Bar and Magnolia Motor Lounge — stop drunk patrons from getting into their vehicles and call police if necessary.
We Can Help You
Berenson Law has been representing the victims of motor vehicle collisions caused by drunk drivers for over 35 years. If you or someone you know has been injured by a drunk driver or by someone who was negligent, call us at 1-888-801-8585 or locally at 817-885-8000 to learn more and obtain a free consultation. We’ll fight to get you the compensation you deserve.
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