You’ve been crashed into. It’s the other driver’s fault. But his auto liability company is giving you the runaround. They are refusing to call you back or to pay the fair value of your claim.
What should you do? These are your choices:
1. File a complaint with the Texas Department of Insurance.
If you need the form, click on this link:
Complete it and file it online. Then wait. And hope the State does something.Good luck with that. Texans had to file over 6,600 of these complaints against auto insurers in Texas last year. More than half were filed by drivers who not able to get an insurer to pay their claims. And those were just from people who were able to find the form and did.
2. Hire an agressive personal injury attorney to force the insurance company adjuster to make a good faith offer and if he/she refuses to do so, consider filing a lawsuit. It always gets the company’s attention. And many cases can be quickly resolved once litigation begins. And if the company still refuses to pay you for your damages, a good jury verdict works every time. And the lawyer’s fee is almost always built into the settlement or verdict so is virtually free. And you don’t owe the lawyer anything if no money is collected. It’s a win-win for you!