Texas Distracted Driving Crashes Zoom

Dangers of Distracted Driving | Fort Worth Personal Injury Lawyer | Berenson Injury Law

Texas distracted driving wrecks have skyrocketed. A huge number of people are injured by motorists looking at everything except nearby vehicles, motorcyclists, and pedestrians. The number one cause of these crashes is, guess what, the cell phone.

How serious are Texas distracted driving collisions?

The Texas Department of Insurance wants you to know some startling information:

  •  About 500 people lost their lives and 3,000 others were seriously injured in our state due to these easily avoidable crashes.
  •  Distracted driving collisions cause almost 400,000 injuries, many catastrophic, and about 3,500 fatalities each year and nine every day in our country.
  •  When driving at 55 mph, a driver looks away from the road for five seconds and drives the length of a football field.

Last year, the Texas Department of Public Safety estimates that almost 20% of our vehicle collisions were caused by texting while driving. But that number is only what the texting driver admits to or can be proven by other evidence, so it is far higher.

This is why Texas banned texting while driving, becoming the 48th state to do so in 2017. But the fine for the first offense, if the police officer can even prove it, is only $25.00, hardly enough to deter conduct.

This is a national problem causing many of the estimated 43,000 traffic deaths last year.

Thousands of other car wrecks — you can’t call them accidents — are caused when someone is distracted while using their phone to call, looking at maps, or changing stations.

And countless others are caused when people are reaching for food or drinks, and even playing video games, putting on makeup, and shaving.

It is impossible to keep your eyes looking at the road and a phone at the same time. But it seems like almost everyone does it.

An insurance company found that 77% of those asked said they look at their phones while driving, 56% drive while reading texts or emails, and 19% shop.

Thanks to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram for this article highlighting the dangers of Texas distracted driving.

Watch this video to realize how incredibly dangerous this is.

How does an injury lawyer prove Texas distracting driving caused a collision?

If you are reading this because you were injured in a car or truck crash, you may believe that the other driver was distracted.

But how do you prove that to their insurance company or jury and use that information to obtain a better settlement or verdict?

Here are some ways:

  1. Eyewitness testimony — you, your passengers, or other drivers may have seen the other driver texting while driving, possibly drifting into other lanes.
  2. Admission by the driver — they may admit it to the police officers or to you.
  3. Video cameras — they are on telephone poles and nearby businesses and might help.
  4. Subpoenas — an injury lawyer can make the other driver’s cell phone carrier produce their records.
  5. Experts — accident reconstructionists can analyze data that shows speeds, angles of impact, and other factors from the engine data recorder.
  6. Lawsuits — the adverse driver will be required to answer detailed questions under oath.

Our office has handled countless crash cases where we proved that the other driver was texting, using his phone, reaching for food or drinks, “rubbernecking” (looking at a collision on the side of the road), looking behind them, and reading GPS, paper maps, and books.

Why someone injured in any collision should hire an accident attorney

You will have an experienced professional guide you through a complicated system, help get you the best medical care, and obtain the maximum compensation possible.

Mr. Berenson has specialized in car and truck wreck cases for 42 years and has successfully handled thousands of claims.

For example, a commercial truck driver admitted after a collision that he had been reaching to the floor to pick up a soft drink just before he rear-ended the small car in front of him. This caused permanent damage to the passenger. However, he later denied saying that and his insurance company dug in. Mr. Berenson filed a lawsuit. The driver finally admitted that the wreck was his fault after Mr. Berenson reached down, pretended to take his hand off the mock steering wheel, and knocked over a soft drink he placed on the table when he was taking the driver’s deposition. Mr. Berenson forced his insurance to pay $5.5 million to his clients.

Contact us at Berenson Injury Law at 817-885-8000 or on our website if you need professional assistance.

In our first meeting, which can be done over the phone, we can explain the insurance process and advise you about your legal rights and possible outcomes. That meeting is free and has no obligation.

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