A recent article by the Houston Chronicle explains that the number of “triple tragedy” accidents–crashes that claim three or more lives–has gone up steadily over the past few years. An increased number of gargantuan trucks and tractor-trailers have increasingly traveled back and forth the Dallas-Fort Worth area to service the Barnett Shale, which until recently was the largest gas reservoir in the United States.
No one wants to acknowledge that there is a downside to the economic miracle ushered in by the hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) boom. But greatly increased highway deaths have become a cost of doing business for the giant gas companies like Chesapeake Energy, XTO Energy/Exxon Mobil, Devon Energy, and EOG Resources.
Not convinced? In 2010 the number of triple-tragedy crashes had increased to 72, and this already high number had jumped by over 100% to 148 just three years later at the height of the boom. Texas now has — by far — more fatal traffic accidents than any other state.
Fracking truck crashes have become all too common throughout Texas, especially in our DFW area. The huge size of the trucks involved generally means significant injuries for occupants of the passenger vehicle after a “frackcident.”
The spike in the number of truck crashes in North Texas has been caused by a number of factors, including:
- A surge in the number of trucks on our interstates, highways, and roads;
- A lack of experienced drivers, leading to driver error;
- The failure to inspect vehicles, maintain vehicles, secure and balance cargo properly;
- Long work days, followed by long drives home by tired drivers, often on narrow back roads;
- Distracted and impaired driving
When an 80,000 pound oil tanker truck or other commercial vehicle traveling to or from the Barnett Shale Region collides with a passenger car, it is also possible that the injuries sustained will be fatal. We also help families pursue wrongful death action against the driver, trucking companies and oil and gas company that took the life of your loved ones. Here are just a few of the cases where motorists have been killed or seriously injured in crashes with these oversized commercial gas vehicles:
* A 19-year old Texas man suffered fatal injuries in 2012 after colliding with a drilling truck on his way to work. A month later three retired teachers died in another collision on the same road with a fracking truck. http://powersource.post-gazette.com/powersource/features-powersource/2014/05/06/Fracking-making-traffic-deadlier/stories/201405060121
* Two Parker County men have received damages totaling $11.7 million after a water hauler truck struck their vehicle. http://www.texassharon.com/2013/07/01/fracking-water-haulers-pay-11-7-million-in-financial-settlement-to-critically-injured-victims/
* A Houston woman was fatally struck by a fracking truck hauling pipe which ran a red light. http://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/article/Fracking-and-hydraulic-drilling-have-brought-a-5747432.php#/0.
If you’ve been injured in a collision with a gas truck or vehicle, you need the help of a top-rated, aggressive legal team. Berenson Injury Law knows how to fight these giant companies.
We’ve been representing people injured in truck and auto negligence cases for over 34 years. We can help collision victims and their families understand Texas laws and how to get the compensation that they deserve.
If you have questions or wish to speak to a Fort Worth based truck and auto lawyer about your circumstances, please call us at 817-885-8000 or toll-free at 1-885-801-8585 or email us for a free case evaluation.