After your automobile or truck collision, you are in physical pain and concerned about your financial future. Your injuries may keep you from working while medical bills pile up. A permanent disability can lead to lifelong monetary and personal losses. No doubt you want to retain the best lawyer who understands personal injury law. and can get you the best possible result.
Commitment to Justice in Auto Accident Claims
The Supreme Court of Texas authorized the Texas Board of Legal Specialization to certify the top lawyers in the state in 21 areas of practice. The board sets stringent requirements of certified attorneys to “promote the availability, accessibility and quality of the services of attorneys to the public in particular areas of the law and advance the standards of the legal profession.”
I began practicing law 35 years ago and immediately felt drawn to personal injury representation. I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives by helping them recover after suffering debilitating injuries and became certified as a personal injury trial lawyer in 1992.
Only approximately one percent (1%) of the attorneys in Texas are board certified in this field and about 8,000 of the 86,000 attorneys in Texas have achieved board certification in any specialty.
Qualifications for Certification
The application and examination process (the test takes two days) is a rigorous nine month process.
To be certified as a personal injury trial specialist, an attorney is required to
- Demonstrate a high level of experience and involvement in personal injury trial law by trying cases in court;
- Remain up-to-date by attending legal education classes;
- Receive recommendations from at least 10 colleagues and judges; and
- Pass an extensive exam that tests knowledge of personal injuries, trial procedures, evidence, damages, ethics and other legal matters
To maintain his specialization, an attorney must apply for recertification every five years.
Board-Tested Skills
As a Texas Board Certified Personal Injury Trial Specialist, a lawyer has to exhibit extensive injury knowledge and possess these skills:
- Communication
- Problem-solving strategies
- Application of legal rules and principles
- Ability to conduct investigations and analyze facts
- Efficiency in my case management
- Ethical standards
- Proficiency in court procedures
- Trial skills
- Knowledge
- Choosing one of the hundreds of names that pop up in a Google search is like picking a name out of a hat. Board certification is the best indicator of knowledge, experience and reputation within the legal practice area.